TATA, renowned for its culinary and beverage offerings, embarked on an ambitious sampling and activation campaign. The primary goal was to engage customers and gain valuable insights into their preferences while introducing them to TATA’s quick-tea & selection of twelve (12) ready-to-eat curries concept.
TATA’s Tea and Ready-to-Eat Curries Sampling and Activation achieved its primary objective of engaging over 6,000+ participants and gaining valuable insights into consumer preferences. The campaign successfully introduced three distinct tea flavors and a wide range of ready-to-eat curries to the participants. The feedback collected, both positive and constructive, will serve as a valuable resource for product enhancement and future promotions.
This comprehensive analysis of customer preferences and feedback will guide TATA in refining its offerings and marketing strategies, ensuring the continued success of its quick tea concept in the market.
Brand Guruz elevated TATA’s tea and ready-to-eat curries activations to a new level. Their engaging campaign at events and grocery stores generated over 6,000 participants, and the results exceeded our expectations. We appreciate their expertise and look forward to future collaborations.
– TATA Foods